Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Recent Ministry:

It’s been a while but it has been a very busy month here at Watoto. We recently put on a production called Heaven’s Gates and Hell’s Flames which is a drama presentation about Heaven, Hell and your eternity. Watoto does HGHF every 4 years and I got to be a part of it this year which was really exciting. It ran for a week and we had 4 shows a day, 28 shows that week, plus an extra on the last day so all together 29. I served every day for all the shows which was physically exhausting, but it was spiritually rewarding because 10,543 people gave their lives to Christ that week! So it was a blessing to be a part of that. Our class ministry has been great as well. Our slum community project mom Grace finally had the baby and it’s a boy! His name is Emanuel and he is absolutely beautiful. We’ve also gone to Retrack which is a home for street children. They stay there for a maximum of 6 months, but most leave earlier after the home gets in contact with their parents and they go back to their real homes. Others, unfortunately, get moved to another Retrack center if their family has refused to take them back. But these young boys still manage to have a smile on their face and we have fun playing and singing together as we teach them about how much God loves them. Baby Watoto (Bulrushes) is another one of our ministries and it’s been my favorite. Those babies are just the cutest things ever! We get to feed them and play with them which is so fun, but we also help clean and disinfect all the toys, equipment, bottles and we help with the laundry too. Ministry is really awesome and I love all of it. It’s really beautiful here and I’m having the time of my life, but I do miss you all! Please keep me in prayer…almost halfway done!